
Who’s Taking Over During Maternity Leave?

I recently read an article in the New York Times about ways to prepare for vacation so that you actually get to enjoy it when you’re there. The article talks about putting systems into place before you leave so that you don’t spend your vacation sitting on the phone and checking emails. Those systems rely heavily on utilizing your staff to help you get things done while you’re away.

That article, plus a client in her 9th month, inspired me to talk about maternity leave options. What does a self-employed woman do during one of the busiest and most exciting times in her life? She needs to keep the ball rolling when she’s out so that she doesn’t lose clients or momentum during her leave. Plus, what does a business owner do when his/her administrative assistant leaves for 6-12 weeks? RemSource has been used several times to assist in these situations.

We can take the calls and transcribe qualified messages so that they can be returned when it’s most convenient. We can stay on top of workflow progress and check in with clients regarding deadlines and updates. We can also jump right in and take over the administrative assistant position so that the business owner doesn’t have to now juggle both workloads.

Whatever the need, we aim to provide as much support as needed to make sure business doesn’t stop when someone’s out. If you or someone you know is “expecting” some changes in workflow, let us know how we can help!


For people with more tasks than time