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Business ReSOURCEs: Mismanagement & Micromanagment

Mismanagement, the pleasant counterpart of Micromanagement. Believe it or not, micromanagement is not the only management style that can kill your business. There is also the overly passive mismanagement. All too often, business owners will underplay or down rite ignore their duties to oversee, review, and measure the results of their programs, consultants, and employees. […]

Business ReSOURCEs: “There is no Y in TEAM either”

We have found that the answer to: “What is your operational structure?” is often: “We work as a team!” Now, as great as that sounds, and while it’s certainly progressive and empowering, the big question is “Y?” -Y is one person completing a task and not the other? -Y is one project given more priority […]

Business ReSOURCEs: System vs Chaos

BREAKING NEWS:                                                                                  Process Helps! News Flash: If your business is going to grow, it’s got to run in a systematic way. When you have your business locked up in your own head, and operate in a manner that is too dependent on judgment calls, you are going to be a very difficult boss to please. […]

Business ReSOURCEs: Technology; solving glitches without creating hitches

 “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”                                                ~Albert Einstein We recently observed an unusual routine: every week, and sometimes more than once a week, “Julie” would take documents and reports that her billing system generated, and manually modify the layout and location of information […]

Business ReSOURCEs: Flat Fee vs. Parts & Labor

Flat Fee vs. Parts and Labor Are you in an industry that performs improvements or repairs to homes? We recently came across the following question: Does a contractor need to charge sales tax on materials used in a project? We are all accustomed to seeing bills broken down as parts & labor, so now we […]

For people with more tasks than time