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Industry Spotlight: Tour Companies

Say “bon voyage” to sleepless nights, “Shalom” to RemSource You speak 9 languages and live in a popular American city that is regularly invaded by tourists. Your skill is moving them through a two-day tour of the sights and sending them home with memories to last a lifetime. Now…. your bookings come in from your website, […]

Business ReSOURCEs: Mismanagement & Micromanagment

Mismanagement, the pleasant counterpart of Micromanagement. Believe it or not, micromanagement is not the only management style that can kill your business. There is also the overly passive mismanagement. All too often, business owners will underplay or down rite ignore their duties to oversee, review, and measure the results of their programs, consultants, and employees. […]

Industry Spotlight: The Wedding Band

Doctors, tradesman, and sales reps by day;                                          rockin’ wedding band by night. Multitalented they may be, but no song and dance can make up for not being around when that phone jingles. A common concern for anyone with a sideline or weekend job is being available to conduct business while performing your duties at your […]

Industry Spotlight: Event Photographers

Smith Wedding, Next Tuesday, 2:26pm, 34 minutes before the ceremony. Version 1, without RemSource: – Groom’s side done, bride’s side 60% done, still looking for that one brother in law who thought pictures were after the ceremony. – 13 missed calls on your cell phone, 4 of them regarding tomorrow’s event location change. – 5 […]

Business ReSOURCEs: “There is no Y in TEAM either”

We have found that the answer to: “What is your operational structure?” is often: “We work as a team!” Now, as great as that sounds, and while it’s certainly progressive and empowering, the big question is “Y?” -Y is one person completing a task and not the other? -Y is one project given more priority […]

Industry Spotlight: Home Based Hair Salons

Picture this…. Your future sister-in-law is mid-way through a serious cut & color to get ready for your wedding, and the phone rings at the hair salon…. The stylist steps away and ends up on the phone with one of her best clients who is having a “bad hair day”. Deeply engrossed in her conversation, […]

Business ReSOURCEs: System vs Chaos

BREAKING NEWS:                                                                                  Process Helps! News Flash: If your business is going to grow, it’s got to run in a systematic way. When you have your business locked up in your own head, and operate in a manner that is too dependent on judgment calls, you are going to be a very difficult boss to please. […]

Planning Ahead – Small Business Tips & Advice: Strategize Your Filing

The good news is, your trade secrets are safe.                                             The bad news… even you can’t find them. The piles are there; you can’t ignore them. BUT, you can dedicate 10 minutes a day to working through them. Start now, and you could be one of those “crazies” that closes their books, files their taxes, […]

Industry Spotlight: Chimney Sweeps

According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) homeowners should have their Chimney’s swept annually; this includes dryer vents and all other venting for utilities in your home. Reason being… they vent for a reason. So…. You guessed it! Your local Chimney Sweeper is about to get swept away by his own customers. Though […]

Planning Ahead – Small Business Tips & Advice: The Right Bank for You

Choosing the right bank for your needs. Banking is much more than deposits and withdrawals.  As your business grows and your team expands, there are critical features to look for that could have significant effects on your operation. For example: –Online banking with sub-users: Some banks let you create additional users for online banking, where […]

For people with more tasks than time